
GREENMIND FORPRO Floor Cleaner is used for daily cleaning and properly for all type of floor. The feature of GREENMIND FORPRO Floor Cleaner is good odor and none residual after cleaning.

PACKING SIZE : 3.8 L., 20 L.

GREENMIND FORPRO Floor Cleaner is used for daily cleaning and properly for all type of floor. The feature of GREENMIND FORPRO Floor Cleaner is good odor and none residual after cleaning.

For general cleaning
Diluted GREENMIND FORPRO Floor Cleaner 1 part per clean water 120 part or 40 ml. per clean water 5 liters. Immerse a clean mop in diluted GREENMIND FORPRO Floor Cleaner. Clean and (or) rinse with clean water.

For heavy soil cleaning
Diluted GREENMIND FORPRO Floor Cleaner 1 part per clean water 3 part. Immerse a clean mop in diluted GREENMIND FORPRO Floor Cleaner. Clean and (or) rinse with clean water.

Fruity Bloom, Floral Romance and Lavender